Abstract | Drvoredi grada Zagreba uz prometnice, jedna su od najizloženijih sastavnica urbanog zelenila biotičkim i/ili abiotičkim činiteljima iz gradskog mikrookoliša, što često ima za posljedicu povećanje pojavnosti broja oboljelih, oštećenih i osušenih stabala. Ovim radom, na području gradske četvrti Maksimir, obuhvaćena su 3 drvoreda uz vrlo frekventne prometnice. Terenski dio rada odnosi se na razdoblje od 2017. do 2019. godine, a prikazane su promjene u zdravstvenom stanju tih drvoreda temeljem podataka dobivenih vizualnom procjenom općeg stanja stabala, njihovog vitaliteta i okoliša. Također, korišteni su arhivski podatci iz katastra stabala od 2000. do 2018. godine, prikupljeni obilaskom terenskih stručnjaka i unešenih u geoinformacijski sustav (GIS). Svrha ovog rada bila je utvrditi koristi geoinformacijskih tehnologija, prvenstveno objektivnosti u procjeni stanja, mogućnost prostorne identifikacije i analize, brzinu prikupljanja i obrade, čuvanja i prezentiranja podataka. Stoga bi ovo istraživanje trebalo ukazati na važnost geoinformacijskih tehnologija u uspostavljanju boljeg sustavnog praćenja urbanih drvoreda, temeljenog na komplementarnosti terenskih metoda i metoda daljinskih istraživanja integriranih u jedinstveni GIS za istraživano područje. Takav sustav omogućio bi poduzimanje profesionalno utemeljenih, pravodobnih i racionalnih intervencija u zaštiti, održavanju, obnovi i planiranju zelenila u urbanim područjima. |
Abstract (english) | Management of the preventive protection of urban tree lines and parks might be very complex and thus, demands availability and application of contemporary, trustworthy and consistent informations due to the fact that their significance is of extreme importance for sustainable development of rapidly growing urbanization as well as for maintenance of acceptable conditions of the urban microenvironment impact on health of the citizens (Konijnendijk et al., 2005.). The tree lines along the traffic roads in the Zagreb city are one of the most exposed components of urban greenery to biotic and /or abiotic factors from the city's micro environment, which often resulted in an increase in the number of diseased, damaged and dried trees. In this study, from the area of the city district Maksimir, we have included 3 tree lines along very frequent roads (Maksimirska, Petrova i Srebrnjak) of a total length of 4620 meters, with 631 trees belonging to 6 species. These tree lines were selected for the investigation because their locations have been recognized as rather frequently subjected to health /biomechanical changes on trees requireing almost permanent health care and protection. The field part of this study refers to the period from 2017 to 2019, and will show the changes in the health status of these tree lines based on data obtained by visual assessment of the general condition of trees, their vitality and the environment. Also, the research will use color infrared (CIR) aerial photographs and archival data from the tree cadastre for the period from 2000 to 2018, collected by field experts and entered into the uniform geoinformation system (GIS) for investigation area. The purpose of this paper was to determine the benefits of geoinformation technologies, primarily objectivity in assessing the situation, the possibility of spatial identification and analysis, the speed of collection and processing, storage and presenting. Therefore, this research should point out the importance of geoinformation technologies in establishing a better systematic monitoring of tree in urban area, based on the complementarity of field and remote sensing methods integrated into a single GIS for the study area. Such a system would enable the undertaking of professionally based, timely and rational interventions in the protection, maintenance, restoration and planning of greenery in urban areas. The selected tree lines showed to be a representative sample which will enable making the relevant professional decisions/conclusions regarding realization of introducition of GIS and RS technologies for monitoring the changes on tree lines, particularly in their health and functional status. |