Abstract | Fitocenološko istraživanje sastojina hrasta lužnjaka na povremeno poplavnim i mokrim staništima Like provedeno je prema principima standardne Braun-Blanquetove metode (1964). Svrha istraživanja sastojina hrasta lužnjaka na Dinarskom području bila je analizirati njihov florni sastav, nomenklaturno i sintaksonomski ih pobliže odrediti i usporediti sa sličnim sastojinama iz ostalog dijela Hrvatske. Istraživanja su provedena na tri lokaliteta (Premužno jezero, Crno jezero i Ličko polje). Rezultati obuhvaćaju analitičke tablice i analizu flornog sastava snimljenih sastojina na temelju trinaest fitocenoloških ploha, te njihovu usporedbu sa hrastovo-grabovim sastojinama iz panonskog dijela Hrvatske. Na temelju analize zaključili smo da se sistražene sastojine mogu uključiti u asocijaciju Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris, ustanovljenu i šire opisanu u panonskom dijelu Hrvatske. U odnosu na hrastovo-grabove šume panonske Hrvatske, u istraživanim sastojinama su prisutne vrste Fraxinus excelsior, Abies alba, Viburnum lantana, Berberis vulgaris, Sorbus torminalis, Asparagus tenuifolius, Asplenium trichomanes, Acer pseudoplatanus, Carex spicata, Carex hirta, Cardaminopsis arenosa, Ornithogalum pyramidale i druge. S druge strane u njima izostaju brojni elementi panonskih šuma hrasta lužnjaka i običnoga graba, prije svega Fraxinus angustifolia, Veronica montana, Vinca minor, Ruscus aculeatus, Galium odoratum, Dryopteris filix-mas, Sanicula europaea, Crataegus laevigata, Oxalis acetosella, a nismo evidentirali ni česte vrste vlažnih i mokrih staništa Carex remota, C. brizoides i Glechoma hederacea. Razlike u flornom sastavu posljedica su biogeografskog položaja uspoređivanih šuma, njihovih ekoloških značajki – ponajprije u režimu vlaženja, geomorfologiji terena, nadmorskoj visini, makroklimi i antropogenom utjecaju. Budući da se istraživane sastojine razlikuju od panonskih hrastovo-grabovih šuma, potrebno ih je istražiti i na ostalim lokalitetima u Dinaridima i u nomenklaturno-sintaksonomskom smislu odgovarajuće klasificirati. Zbog jedinstvenosti, sastojine u Premužnom i Crnom jezeru treba proglasiti šumama posebne namjene i odgovarajućim postupcima osigurati njihov opstanak. |
Abstract (english) | The phytocenological study of the pedunculate oak stands on occasionally flooded and wet habitats in the region of Lika was conducted according to the principles of the standard Braun-Blanquet method (1964). The purpose of the study of the pedunculate oak stands in the Dinaric area was to analyze their floral composition, to define it in terms of nomenclature and syntaxonomy and to compare them with the similar stands in the other parts of Croatia. Research has been carried out on three localities (Premužno jezero, Crno jezero and Ličko polje). The results include analytical tables and analyzes of floral composition of recorded stands based on thirteen phytochenologic releves, and their comparison with oak-hornbeam stands from the Pannonian part of Croatia. Based on the analysis, we concluded that the researched stands could be included in the association Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris, which is established and widespread in the Pannonian part of Croatia. In the comparasion to the oak-hornbeam forests in Pannonian part of Croatia, in the stands described in this work we can find following species: Fraxinus excelsior, Abies alba, Viburnum lantana, Berberis vulgaris, Sorbus torminalis, Asparagus tenuifolius, Asplenium trichomanes, Acer pseudoplatanus, Carex spicata, Carex hirta, Cardaminopsis arenosa, Ornithogalum pyramidale and others. On the other hand, there are many elements of Panonian oak-hornbeam forests are absent, first of all Fraxinus angustifolia, Veronica montana, Vinca minor, Ruscus aculeatus, Galium odoratum, Dryopteris filix-mas, Sanicula europaea, Crataegus laevigata, Oxalis acetosella, and also species that are frequent at wet and humid stands, such as Carex remota, C. brizoides and Glechoma hederacea have not recorded. The observed differences in floral composition are a consequence of biogeographical position of the compared forests, their ecological characteristics – primarily in the moisturing regimes, geomorphology of the terrain, altitude, climate and anthropogenic influence. Since the researched stands differ to the Pannonian oak-hornbeam forests, it would be necessary to research them also on other sites in the Dinarides and to classified them in the nomenclature-syntaxonomic way. Due to its uniqueness, stands in the localities Premužno jezero and Crno jezero should be declared as the forests of special purposes and by appropriate procedures to ensure their survival. |